Photo: VTeam

Paying Etiquette: Who Picks Up The Check?

What the hell is going on? why do I have to pay for the bill? Is it because i am a man and you being a woman?
Nop! The world has changed today, as both men and women find themselves earning the same amount of money.

Most women earn more than their average men and from our view, there isn’t any law that states that a man needs to carry the whole burden on that first day.

BUT WAIT! Who pays for the first date?

Actually, men should do that on the first date, well some educated women will try to pay the half, which is much appreciated, but if not, men should go ahead and do the do.

There is always a tension when the bill comes. But all these got something to do with paying etiquette.
My tip to the men, if you are 100% sure, that you will like to meet this lady again, and you do believe, this date is going to repeat it self, then do the do, but if not, and the lady is insisting paying for her share, let her do her do.

In 40 years ago, Men were doing the payment, even not only on the first date, but most of the time. Today, some women are so much uneducated, that they do still believe that the man is their bank and he needs to pay for all the bills on all dates. Wait a minute ladies, you are not married to this guy and even if you have, then make sure to give your monthly salary to the man to do the paying issues.

SO, back to the first date paying issue.

One of the touchiest dating issues today has to do with money: Who pays, the man or the woman, and when?
Men are mostly “damned if they do and at the same time damned if they don’t” situation.
Whereas some women feel insulted if men rejects their half payment offer.

On the other hand, some women see men to be cheap asses, if men do not dig their hands into their wallets, to settle the bill!

So these are some tips for the men:


I do think, no guy on his normal sense will like to date a woman just because he feels like dating. 99,9% of men have the same goal to date a woman, which we all do know. So men, to fulfil this goal, you will need to dig your hands in that wallet on the first date!
Please bare in mind “ON THE FIRST DATE”! some women are just parasites, ready to suck your money out like a butterfly and a flower.

Well, you could also do the payment on the early stages, but the question will be, when is the early stage and when is the ending part.
On the first date, try to know the standard of leaving of this new female friend. This is to prevent you from taken care of her entire family and even her daily food! Women, also know something about your first date men, who knows, some men are more parasites than women. A man who is a parasite, is more dangerous. Some women and men are psychos, make sure not to fall into this aspect.

Paying for things is not just the gentlemanly thing to do (YES), it also indicates that you are responsible(YES), steady and well-established(YES) and Women like that (YES);, But who cares for a lady who will just be ready for your pocket?

I do think that, if you should invite a lady out, then you should do the payment. WHY? Sure Mr, she was not ready to go out this day, you invited her, what the hell are you waiting for? Her to pay for something she was not prepared for?

However, if she decides to take part in the payment, then go ahead and see that as a good gesture.
From my point of view, women who try to share the bill on the first date, are mostly those who are educated (Modern) and eager to know you.
This is not a general rule of thumb, but most of the time.
In the other way round, women who decides to share the bill are also those who are like… Mmmmmm well, i do not want to see you again, neither do i want you to feel like i owe you.

A good general rule when it comes to these situations is to ask yourself, “Who asked who?” If you instigated the date, then you will be expected to pay. In fact, it’s good to be prepared to pay, regardless. Nothing looks more pathetic than a guy’s sheepish expression when he doesn’t have enough money with him to cover the charges; and in today’s world of credit and debit cards, this shouldn’t be an issue.

Yes, of course, do the payment MAN! But if she insists, let her do the do. Do not argue 30 minutes with her over who pays. This will just give an impression who want to be the boss in the relationship!

Most in these situations, it’s more likely that she will cover both of you… and why not? The date was her idea. It only makes sense. Unfortunately, some men still have a problem with letting women pay for them, but there is absolutely no reason to feel insecure if this happens occasionally, as long as you don’t constantly rely on her to pay your way.

Some men also need to learn from being asssssses!– Do not let women pay for you all the time! Get a job and do some payments too! GOSH!

So, i will continue this next week!

Sty tune

So who paid for the bill on your first date? Your comments are welcome!


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