Three crucial tips that can gear you towards having a productive day at work, from home
In the midst of a global pandemic, it is still business as usual for many people except this business, is now taking place at home.
Remote working has become the best option for many companies around the world as they juggle employee safety and maintaining profits. Though not an unknown field to some, remote working takes a lot of getting used to when you’re surrounded by the temptation of just getting into bed with Netflix.
To prevent you from feeling guilty about the amount of work you have on your plate and an apparent lack of interest in tackling it, here are three crucial tips that can gear you towards having a productive day at work, from home:
It might not seem like big help, but it is crucial to get dressed in the morning. You don’t have to slap on a full work attire, but it is helpful to ease out of your cosy pyjamas and slip into something more ‘work-like”. In a way, this simple tip draws the line between being at home and being at work. At time like this, it is important to maintain a part of your everyday routine so as to effectively manage overall productivity from home.
Not many people like to bring their work home from the office. Hence, they may not be set up from working from home. However, another necessary tip is to designate a corner or place in your home as your work area. This will help put you in work mode, turning your mind on for a productive day just like at the office when you sit down behind your desk/PC. While it may seem more comfortable and flexible to move from couch, to sofa to bed, it will be harder to remain productive if you merge work into your “downtime” space. Keep things, professional even from home.
The one underrated benefit about the work commute is, the time spent on a bus or train gives your mind enough time to prepare for the full day of business activities ahead. And now with no time to prep, you might find it’s not as easy as getting out of head with the intention to work. Give your mind enough time to transition from ‘home mode’ to ‘work mode’. If reading or listening to music on your commute helps transition you, try it at home. You can also insert a workout routine into your days to keep that brain active.
With these three tips as a starting point, it may become much easier for you to put on your work face and get cracking on those projects!